
Sex estimation by posterior humerus view

This is an example of an image used to train our model. You should use something similar to this view of the humerus to get a proper estimation. The model has an accuracy of 91% when using right humeri images (as the one in the example). However, you could submit an image of a left humerus and check the box below so it is horizontally flipped before the evaluation, as we got an accuracy of 87% with flipped left humerus images.

Fill in the fields in the form below to obtain the estimated sex.

Check the box if using an image of a left humerus.
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Everything you need to know about sex estimation can be found in the article:


Sex estimation from photographs of the ilium and humerus using Deep Learning techniques


Published on November 23, 2022

Traditionally, sex estimation is performed by means of numerical/tabular data obtained from manual measurement of the bones of interest. However, the success of a set of Artificial Intelligence techniques, known as Deep Learning (DL) [1], in image analysis problems (mainly through convolutional networks) invites the use of such techniques in the estimation of the biological […]

Written by

Pablo Mesejo

Associate Professor at University of Granada and Chief AI Officer at Panacea Cooperative Research.